Last update: 10/8/2024

In-Space Propulsion
​Space Power

Nuclear Thermal Propulsion

Deep Space Propulsion Systems- Deep Space Propulsion Reactors

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​​​​​U.S. Patented 

​Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Spacecraft

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The Above notation is not intended to be a complete list.

  1. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​U.S. Patented Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) Spacecraft.  The Space Modular Reactor for Propulsion (SMR-P™) spacecraft is an advanced and revolutionary Space Launch System (SLS).  It is designed for expeditious and effortless dynamic self-assembly—in an orbital rendezvous—in low earth orbit (LEO).  Design-basis inherent reliability stature is due to its patented simplified modular architecture. The patented design (a.k.a. General Design Criteria) would render and facilitate each modular component to be independently tested and replaced when necessary, without disturbing other already tested modules—saving [countless] time and efforts.  This technology is consistent with applicable U.S. Treaties (e.g., NPTArtemis Accords, and as further exemplified below).   

    It is over 100% faster and 400% more load capacity than a best chemical rocket, which could only coast to its destination.  
    Whereas, our nuclear thermal propulsion spacecraft’s orbital and deep-space maneuverabilities include both acceleration & deceleration on command. ​ ​

    Fuel Consumption Analogy—profoundly, some 85% of the weight of a chemical-rocket is fuel.  Whereas, the weight of the fuel, for our Nuclear Thermal Propulsion spacecraft, is quite de minimis, and it's free {i.e., the fuel is a national energy resource (Atomic Energy Act of 1954)—and has been utilized in naval vessels since 1954 with no nonproliferation issues.  Besides, its usage for space exploration, as opposed to deterrence, would enhance our compliance with NPT—beyond that, the performance of a space-propulsion system is inversely proportional to its weight.  If a nuclear fuel that contains an inherent 80% deadweight were to be used, then the performance of the space-propulsion system would exponentially degrade—and that defeats the use of nuclear energy for space travel (see the patented General Design Criteria for details).  Utilization of nuclear energy is not an ad hoc reactive vista; rather it is an institutional development—and cannot be entrusted to contractors [see Nuclear Engineering Exceptionalism [nuclear workforce meritocracy-zation (a neologism)]].   For other examples, see (Free Fuel).  For geopolitical use of nuclear energy, see Nuclear Engineering Exceptionalism [nuclear workforce meritocracy-zation]}.   

    Fuel Preparedness:

    Our environmentally-minded clients could
    opt-in to have their vehicles fully fueled as a part of the initial contract. The fuel preparedness will take place vis-à-vis laser excitation techniques, by a modified Space Mining System (described below)—to be staged in a geostationary orbit—over deep-oceans. Separation of the two main isotopes of the natural uranium will provide two different types of fuels for two different applications (e.g., see The Martian habitability-platform described below) without residual waste—hence no environmental impacts of any kindThe separation power-requirements will be met by the available natural means. This modified Space Mining System is a modular fuel-preparedness platform, which can be scaled up by additional units, on an as needed basis. This platform incorporates patented technology. Inquiries related to this space-based nuclear fuel preparedness system may be sent to:

    Fuel Mining & Storage:

    An evolutionary adaptation of the Space Mining System will
    mine Helium-3 from the moon—and following processing, encapsulation, etc., the fusion fuel {see Deep Space Exploration Exceptionalism described below} will be transferred to the nuclear-fuel depotwhen it is fully developedin cislunar spacewhere both fusion fuel and fission fuel (described above) will be stored and managed—for journeys in deep space. The nuclear-fuel depot may be augmented with the Satellitary Kilopower System (described below) for additional electrical-power.  Whereas, the Deep Space Station (described below) will provide accommodations for personnel as may be required.  And a modified Orbital Protectorate System (described below) will ensure orbital-security. This platform incorporates patented technology. Inquiries related to this cislunar-space-based nuclear-fuel depot may be sent to:

    Accident Analyses:

    No possible accident that could pose significant risks, and No Fallout—hence transforming & revolutionizing deep space missions as never before

    The onboard nuclear reactor is conceived for space operations only, and mimics the natural rhythm of a device with almost no moving parts in simplicity and endurance.  Its reliability exponentially tromps any reactor ever been made or conceived.  The nuclear reactor heavily relies on laws of physics and due-diligence (see nuclear workforce meritocracy-zation), and cannot be produced under a no-bid contract. 

    No Part of this SLS, or its propulsion system burns up in atmosphere, and/or is left behind—[id est] the only viable & patented green-rocketry (non-polluting technology)—no earthbound waste of any kind, which results in a fundamental cost & environmental paradigm-shift, and performance supremacy—we technologize, the environment wins, and our clients prosper.  

    ​Inquiries about the U.S. Patented
    Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) Spacecraft may be sent to:

    Long-distance manned space voyage is not really available to us, if all we are going to have; are chemical rockets.  Needless to say that pushing things into space [with chemical energy] is controlled explosions, which is a treacherous affair in-and-of-itself.  Travel far enough—fast enough!  To get to deep space easier and more affordably; this SLS is reusable, and has sufficient fuel onboard for many round-trip missions.  This platform is particularly economical for delivery, and can function as the workhorse for transportation of strategic resources from nearby celestial bodies (e.g., the Moon).  

    Space Equipment Shuttle (SES) is a variant of this platform.  It is a utilitarian vehicle, which is designed to perform, and/or facilitate a whole gamut of tasks and services including but not limited to the followings: (i) Transportation of nuclear fuels to and from the Nuclear-Fuel-Depot. (ii) Tug the Auxiliary Solar Arrays (ASA) to cislunar space adjacent to the Nuclear-Fuel-Depot—as well as its pre-subassembly, subassembly, general assembly, and final tethering and linking it to the Booster Module [H] described below (see The Epoch-Making Spacecraft for details).  ASA is a 10-kilometer long solar array modular system.  Inquiries related to the Space Equipment Shuttle may be sent to: 

    Another variant of this platform, dubbed Dark Atomic Research Project Apparatus (DARPA), will be so modified to study the potentials of dark matter and dark energy in the cislunar space ambient temperature and pressure.  DARPA is fully autonomous, and will get to its destination under its own propulsion from LEO.  Due to gravimetric sensitivity of the shielded experiments (with respect to fabric of space), DARPA may declare a no-fly zone within one nano-parsec (0.1 light-seconds) of its surroundings, during each shielded-experiment run.  Research algorithm, participation, deterrence-means, and related inquiries may be sent to
    ​​DARPA@GenIVNuclearEnergySystems.com   ​​

    Moon Institute of Technology (MIT) is an evolutionary adaptation of the Deep Space Station described below.  It is designed to orbit the moon in order to ensuring final readiness, including classroom and simulator technical trainings, as well as physical fitness, onboard @ the institute; for our clients who wish to explore the moon via our AI-driven—nuclear-powered moon-explorer—before they are transported down to the surface of the moon and begin their journeys.  The moon-explorer is powered by a modified Satellitary Kilopower System for Propulsion (described below).  It could produce power for 21 earth-days of operations.  MIT will get to its destination (lunar orbit) under its own propulsion from LEO, and incorporates patented technology.  Inquiries regarding enrollment eligibility requirements may be sent to:

  2. Unmatched & Leading-Edge Technology—the second generation of SMR-P™ that incorporates patented technology, is high specific-impulse deep-space Relativistic Propulsion Reactor (RPR™) spacecraft.  This SLS offers performance ratings of orders of magnitude greater than the first generation.  And, still No possible accident that could pose significant risks, and No Fallout. 

    Performance Parameters​ (all approx.): Specific Impulse 5,500 (seconds)Effective Exhaust Velocity 54 (kilometers per second)(0.02% c),Time to Safely and Reliably Travel to Mars 12 (earth days)—with a proprietary combinatorial biological and electromagnetic self-shielding for near zero ionizing radiation inleakage; to secure and shelter-in-place crew members.  Other aspectual of the system-wide shielding includes an encomium multifrontal actinomorphic impact-deflector, inter alia, which assures deep-space-environmental-hazard protection for the spacecraft, even @ relativistic-magnitude speeds—with in-flight payload drop off  throughout the journey—and No need for Gravitational Assist, since nuclear propulsion is man up to the task—a quantum leap forward in reinventing  Spaceflight—Perpetual Gravitational-Emancipation.  If we have to get there—this platform is particularly advantageous in order to get there first, in trench, to stake & protect our claims; months before others do!  

    Besides, reducing the one-way flight time of at least 
    208 Days (by a chemical rocket); to 12 days; would [1] exponentially reduce the costs, and [2] virtually eliminate crew hazards.  

    Hence the question that has to be raised is whether we want to continue to use 
    Chemical Energy (a hangover from the last century) with handouts (i.e., gravitational assist), and take at least 208 Days to get to Mars without the possibility of return, or whether we want to be King of the Hill, the preeminent spacefaring nation, and leave the Stone Age behind?  Above all, the pressing issue is whether we can afford to have another crisis like October 4, 1957.  Despite that, launching projectiles to reach nearby celestial bodies [on par with some developing countries] is rather space-transportation.  Relativistically speaking, space-exploration will begin with RPR™.   ​

    A variant of this platform, dubbed Space Orbital Services (SOS), will be so modified to facilitate repair and/or replacement services for various platforms/devices in orbit of planets (e.g., Mars), natural satellites (e.g., the Moon), and a platform that is stationed far from earth orbit (e.g., James Webb Space Telescope), or to assist a spacecraft that may be in distress; anywhere within the Solar System.  Inquiries related to this space-based and expeditious orbital repair/replacement/rescue services (R3S™) may be sent to:

  3. Asteroid Interceptor & Deflector (AID™) is a planetary defense vehicle that uses the RPR™ system to intercept and neutralize oncoming asteroids, anywhere within the Solar System.  This platform incorporates patented technology.  This platform will be equipped with iMan™ (which makes AID a fully autonomous deep space vehicle).  It will get to its destination under its own propulsion from LEO.  

    AID™ is the only feasible and realistic scheme designed to prevent or mitigate 
    Extinction-Level events by application of Impulse-Transfer** (i.e., tugboat analogy), and No possible accident that could pose significant risks; in-and-of-itself, & No Fallout.  So the question arises, why do we continue to invest our precious national resources on theoretical ideas; as opposed to practical solutions described herein?  **Primum Non Nocere!

    Crashing space-vehicle into a space-rock, for redirection, is the most egregious governance failure of the 21st Century, and, more likely, caused by ad hoc reactive decision-making that compromises policy objective.  

    In an unlikely event that AID is deemed not fully beneficial for a given situation, the
    Satellitary Kilopower System (SKS) described below, will be so modified to function as a thematically metaphoric outboard and attachable propulsion system, dubbed Satellitary Kilopower System for Propulsion (SKS-P)

    For extremely massive asteroids, the
    combinatorial propulsion system described below may be used.  For much larger celestial bodies, the combinatorial propulsion system may additionally be augmented with the propulsion booster modules [H] and {S} described below (see The Epoch-Making Spacecraft for details).  

    ​SKS-P will be available in LEO, where it will be tugged by AID to its destination.  Upon arrival, SKS-P will self-deploy, and begins operation under command of AID to complete the mission.  

    The management of deep-space in the 21st Century is too important, and far more complex, to be an ad hoc adaptation; 
    tucked in a 20th Century organization. 

    To anneal and redress, national deep-space management should be afforded its own independent commission,
    by a Congressional enabling-act mandate—​

    or defund the program as opposed to allowing it to continue to wither away our precious national resources into oblivion­.

    ​​​If you can’t afford your asteroid-neutralizer, 
    Gen IV Nuclear Energy Systems Services, LLC may be able to help!  Inquiries may be sent to: 

    Earth Management System (EMS) is an evolutionary adaptation of the Asteroid Interceptor & Deflector Vehicle that will be staged in a geostationary orbit. It functions as planetary-wide clearinghouse to manage various activities associated with planetary defense, and on an as needed basis, in conjunction with the Post-Apocalyptic Vehicles, and the Planetary Protectorate Equipment (described below).  This platform incorporates patented technology.  Participation, membership requirements, and related inquiries may be sent to: 

    A variant of this platform, dubbed Space Mining System 
    (SMS), will be so modified to facilitate mining operations for non-ubiquitous strategic resources, such as high massic energy materials on asteroids within the Solar System.  SMS is fully autonomous, and will get to its destination under its own propulsion from LEO.  SMS is a modular space mining system, which can be scaled up by additional units, as the mission evolves. Inquiries related to this space-based mining system may be sent to: 

  4. Orbital Spacecraft Carrier (OSC) is the third generation of SMR-P™.  This platform incorporates patented technology.  OSC will carry, deploy, recover, and facilitate spacecrafts operations, in a planetary orbit, within the Solar System.  It is fully autonomous, and will get to its destination under its own propulsion from LEO.  Inquiries related to this space-based spacecraft carrier may be sent to:

  5. Orbital Recycling Scout (ORS) is the fourth generation of SMR-P™.  This platform incorporates patented technology.  ORS will hunt and catch** space debris large enough to be tracked in orbit above earth, for delivery to the Moon—to be used as raw material for a permanent station; completing an Interplanetary Regenerative-Recycling and Transportation (IRRT) odyssey.  

    If left unchecked, space debris will likely end our current way of life in less than one generation.  Inquiries related to this space-based orbital recycling system may be sent to:

    A variant of this platform, dubbed Magnus Frater, will be retrofitted to provide the International Space Station (ISS) with the necessary reboost to maintain its speed and altitude, for among other things.  Inquiries related to this orbital rescue services may be sent to:

    ​A manned-version of this platform will afford a business-opportunity for
    ISS to serve as a transfer-station for crew and supplies, to safely and reliably travel to and from the Moon—in an orbital rendezvous.  Evaluation of customer needs or requirements upon request!   As is the case for ISS, commercialization of Outer Space and Celestial Bodies, to benefit mankind and in furtherance thereof; is not in any way an infringement of the Outer Space Treaty, the Moon Treaty, and/or similar doctrine.  

    ​Another variant of this platform, dubbed 
    Orbital Protectorate System (OPS), will be so modified to neutralize an orbital device that poses an imminent existential danger.  OPS can create and direct proprietary combinatorial collimated beams of charged and neutral subatomic particles; to a target located in orbit.  Inquiries related to this space-based orbital protectorate system may be sent to:

    Another variant of this platform, dubbed Endoatmospheric Protectorate System (EPS), will be so modified to produce a steady-state and collimated beam of high-flux fast-neutrons.  EPS can neutralize a flying object within the Karman Line that poses an imminent existential danger.  Inquiries related to this space-based Endoatmospheric Protectorate System may be sent to:

  6. Planetary Protectorate Equipment (PPE) is an evolutionary adaptation of the propulsion Booster Module [Hdescribed below (see The Epoch-Making Spacecraft for details).  PPE can provide an intense magnetically-focused and collimated beam of charged subatomic particles. This platform incorporates patented technology.  Inquiries related to this circumsolar-based Planetary Protectorate Equipment may be sent to:

    A variant of this platform, dubbed Āntiparticle Generator & Preserver System (ā-GPS), will produce, and preserve; diminutive-quantity charged subatomic āntiparticles.  Inquiries related to this circumsolar-based Āntiparticle Generator & Preserver System may be sent to:

  7. Deep Space Power Station (DSPS) is the fifth generation of SMR-P™, which integrates space propulsion & space power to provide a unique and extraordinary capability that is insurmountable for any other SLS. This platform incorporates patented technology.  DSPS will provide electric power and heat for a permanent manned station on Mars, or other celestial bodies with solid surface and similar atmosphere.  It is fully autonomous, and will get to its destination under its own propulsion from LEO.  Upon arrival, it will self-deploy and begins power production within hours.  DSPS is a modular power station, which can be scaled up by additional power units, to accommodate electrification of the habitable borough.  Design characteristics include a nominal thermal power of 1,000 megawatts, which would produce about 400 megawatts of electrical power, and 600 megawatts of regenerative heat.  Inquiries regarding this compact, large-scale, independent, deep-space planetary-based electrical power system may be sent to:

    A variant of this platform, dubbed Universal Amphibious Vehicle (UAV), will be so modified to facilitate research and exploration activities on a celestial body with liquid surface.  UAV is fully autonomous, and will get to its destination under its own propulsion from LEO.  Upon arrival and entering into orbit, a docked orbital module will be separated and remains in orbit, before the vehicle descends to the liquid surface.  The orbital module consists of a nuclear-powered communication satellite, which provides and assures effective communication with the mission-control on Earth.  Inquiries related to this space-based amphibious vehicle may be sent to:

    ​Post-Apocalyptic Vehicle (PAV) is an evolutionary adaptation of the Universal Amphibious Vehicle (UAV).  PAVs will be staged in a geostationary orbit.  Following an onset of a nuclear winter, and upon re-entry, PVAs will maintain law & order, for among other things.  Inquiries related to this space-based post-apocalyptic vehicle may be sent to:

    Another variant of this platform, dubbed Satellitary Kilopower System (SKS), will be so modified to provide electric power and regenerative heat, for a celestial body devoid of atmosphere and solid surface (e.g., the Moon).  SKS is equipped with an entirely different power generation nuclear reactor system, and will be available in LEO, where the customer may take possession thereof—or, it may be delivered to its destination via various platforms described herein.  SKS is a modular power station, which can be scaled up by additional power units as the need increases—or, it can be custom-made per request (subject to limitations).  This platform incorporates patented technology.  Inquiries regarding this compact, large-scale, independent, satellitary-based electrical power supply system may be sent to:

    Satellitary Kilopower System for Propulsion (SKS-P), described above, may be used for propelling a preselected asteroid for transportation of strategic resources in deep-space.  It is available in LEO, where the customer may take possession thereof—or, it may be tugged to the selected site by various platforms described herein.  

    For extremely massive asteroids, the
    combinatorial propulsion system described below may be used.

    ​Inquiries regarding this outboard and attachable propulsion system may be sent to

  8. ​An element of metamorphosization of nuclear electricity generation cycle is utilization of the regenerative heat

    On planet earth, this energy is shamelessly dumped into the environment.

    On planet Mars, an evolutionary couple-zation (a neologism) of the Deep Space Power Station and the
    Nuclear Thermal Desalination Reactor (described hereunder), dubbed Martian habitability-platform, will produce drinking-water and breathable-air—where the regenerative heat associated with nuclear electricity generation cycle will heat up and thaw the permafrost in order to produce water, oxygen, and other resources, for among other things.  

    Conformably, the byproducts associated with the nuclear thermal desalination process will be combined with local regolith to form construction bricks by a modified Space Mining System (also described herein)—which will then be used to make structures to form the base of the habitable borough, as well as remediation of radiation exposure. 

    The Martian habitability-platform is a modular ecosystem, and can be scaled up as the need increases to support the habitable borough (a.k.a. the Martian Colony).  This platform incorporates patented technology.  Inquiries regarding to this compact, large-scale, independent, deep-space planetary-based habitability-platform, may be sent to

  9. Deep Space Exploration Exceptionalism—​the high specific-impulse deep-space Relativistic Propulsion Reactor (RPR™) SLS incorporates Ionized Propulsion Propellant (IPP), enabling multigenerational interstellar journeys (VIPP =1.4% c)—ETA less than five generations.  This platform will be equipped with artificial-gravity pods (shielded crew-quarters), commensurate with indoors recreational activities.  This space-based combinatorial open-cycle fission-triggered-fusion propulsion system is a technological tour de force—and incorporates patented technology. 

    An evolutionary adaptation of the combinatorial propulsion system may be used to power submarines in deep-oceans.   

    Inquiries regarding this combinatorial propulsion system may be sent to

    An unmanned-version of this platform, dubbed
    Event Horizon Probe (EHP), will be so modified to explore the galaxy in order to locate and study a discernible Event Horizon, and report findings. Inquiries related to this space-based Event Horizon Probe may be sent to: 

  10. Deep Space Station (DSS) is the sixth generation of SMR-P™.  This platform incorporates patented technology.  DSS is fully autonomous, and will get to its destination under its own propulsion from LEO.  It is particularly suited for an interstellar weigh-station.  DSS is capable of supporting a crew with artificial-gravity, and will incorporate docking ports.  DSS is a modular space-station, which can be scaled up by additional units, as the mission evolves.  Inquiries related to the Deep Space Station may be sent to:

  11. The Epoch-Making Spacecraft—the high specific-impulse deep-space Relativistic Propulsion Reactor (RPR™)  SLS, equipped with Ionized Propulsion Propellant­—ADDITIONALLY incorporates a REUSABLE Booster Module comprised of a contemporaneous hybridized propulsion component [H], composed of proprietary combinatorial Linear & Circular High-Energy Particle-Accelerator devices. The REUSABLE Booster Module would be jettisoned following an initial circumsolar orbital go-around.  The concatenation will further accelerate and propel the Ionized-Propulsion-Propellant-Particles—effectuating relativistic-magnitude particle-beam speeds (VIPP-H ~ c).  The REUSABLE Booster Module would then be available in the circumsolar orbit for subsequent missions.  This platform incorporates patented technology.   ​

    Spacecraft deep-space orbital transfer protocols, operational details, travel time calculator (excluding 
    time dilation), and related inquiries may be sent to: 

    ​The addition of a
    second Booster Module, comprised of a Spallation propulsion component {S}, will augment spacecraft forward Thrust (V
    IPP-H/S ≡ Meta-celeritas).  The second booster module could also produce reverse Thrust (deceleration); on command. 

    The addition of a
    modified version of the propulsion Booster Module [H], described above, see (ā-GPS), will induce greater spacecraft rapidity, which could, from its circumsolar vantage, traverse; and pass Mars within 15 (earth-time-periods known as minutes).   Alternatively, from its circumsolar vantage, the spacecraft could arrive at our nearest star system (Alpha Centauri) within 4.5 light-years and assume a decelerating-spiral-orbit—subject to unknown unknowns, e.g., possible interactions of dark energy and/or dark matter with the spacecraft, due to its momentum relativistic-magnitude speeds.  Research associated with the Dark Atomic Research Project Apparatus, described above; may shed light on such a possibility.

    Other unknown unknowns’ possibilities may include causation of near zero entropy by the spacecraft due to its momentum @ Meta-celeritas—thereby—transpositioning the spacecraft to the instant following the initial singularity and erasement of Spatiotemporal.

    Journey to Babel—the nearest known black hole is about 1.5 light-millennia from the earth. The research associated with the Event Horizon Probe described above, dubbed Hunt for Black October, expects to find more [and perhaps smaller] black holes within 10 light-years from earth—due in large part to the onboard state-of-the-art detections technologies and the associated Artificial Intelligence Governance (AIG), for among other things.  It is the most advanced detections platform ever invented by man. This platform incorporates patented technology.  Its outstanding features include but not limited to: (A) It does not get hampered by the atmosphere. (B) It is not in an orbit of a backward planet with limited power supply. (C) It travels @ relativistic-magnitudes speeds—with a field of four-dimensional and combinatorial aspherical & spherical views.  (D) Modus operandi—machine-learning AIG.  (E) When fully operational, the Event Horizon Probe will attempt applied quantum tunneling & quantum entanglement to receive telemetry from the spacecraft as it transcends (see below).  Consequently, it will be the only viable platform to support the subject journey.  

    To accomplish the subject journey, an evolutionary adaptation of the Epoch-Making Spacecraft has been conceived, which includes, inter alia, a revolutionary gravitational-dynamic-self-shielding, which prevents loss of the spacecraft’s material and/or information as it transcends into a black hole (a proprietary technology).  The speed of the spacecraft is expected to geometrically increase during descend (a proprietary technology).  As described above, the algorithm associated with the Event Horizon Probe is expected to estimate the final speed of the spacecraft and the size of the black hole.  Upon exiting the system, the spacecraft will generate a gravitational wave, which may be detected on earth—thereby providing the spacecraft’s position.  This platform incorporates patented technology.  Collaboration, cooperation, participation, algorithmization, and related inquiries may be sent to
    Deep-space-sliding (a neologism) is the mechanism and a system that could be used to slide the spacecraft through deep space. This mechanism is produced when the propulsion propellant­ is reaccelerated relativistic-magnitude momentum—in a circular-particle-accelerator, which is located at the edge of nacelle of the spacecraft’s propulsion engine at the bow of the spacecraft and is perpendicular to the spatial-intake—thereby—creating a Spatium-vortex (a proprietary technology)—and then expends it through the spacecraft’s nozzle, which will then enable the spacecraft’s speed to increase geometrically—and from its circumsolar vantage—arriving at our nearest star system (Alpha Centauri) within six (earth-time-periods known as months).

    ​Due to gravimetric sensitivity of fabric of space, the presence of natural gravitational forces may adversely affect the operations of the Spatium-vortex.  Also, there is likelihood that presence of dark matter and/or dark energy may impede the operations of Spatium-vortex as well.
    Research associated with the Dark AtomicResearch Project Apparatus (described above) is intended to obtain empirical data on such modalities; and whether their utilization could be mastered in favor of the spacecraft. This platform incorporates patented technology.  Related inquiries may be sent to:  

    Journey to Andromeda—an evolutionary couple-zation of the Epoch-Making Spacecraft—equipped with a modified Deep-space-sliding System—and the Event Horizon Probe will be used to travel and approach the boundary of our nearest galaxy, known as Andromeda. The purpose of the journey is to study and ascertain whether there is a barrier between the two galaxies, which may prevent or impede a man-made spacecraft to penetrate the Andromeda Galaxy from the Milky Way Galaxy.  Applied quantum tunneling & quantum entanglement will be used to send the findings back to earth for further assessment and mitigations for future planning.  This platform incorporates patented technology.  Participation and related inquiries may be sent to 